Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am not a political person at all, but this day will always be remembered for those who lost their lives so senselessly and tragically. The site of the Towers burning and falling will live in my mind for the rest of my life. The feeling of helplessness when I could not get a hold of my brother who was in New York at the time will always feel real to me. I can't even think about it too much now without getting choked up about it. Thankfully he was no where near the WTC's but seeing all the lives that were lost that day makes me just feel so sad for all those families who lost someone 9 years ago today. I don't want the image of the plane crashing into the 2nd tower ever to leave my memory. As it will always be a reminder that there is evil in this world and we must find a way to rise above it. Proud to be an American... today and everyday!

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