Saturday, June 12, 2010

I can't stop staring

I thought today would be a good day to talk about the most important man in my life... my fiance Rich. Isn't he the most handsome? I love him more than I thought possible. He has made my life so much better than I ever thought I can possibly have. He has bought me this beautiful home we live in and today he bought me my dream engagement ring.... The Tiffany Novo ring!!!! Although it was not bought from Tiffany's (why pay that ridiculous mark-up????) it is an exact copy of the design and it is STUNNING. I can't stop staring at it. It just captures my eye! I would post a picture, but that would envoke jealousy amongs my readers... I do have reader's right? Umm...
I met Rich atleast 10 years ago if not longer. We met through my ex-husband. Some might think that is a terrible way to meet. I personally say he was the bridge I needed to meet Rich. We might not have a fairy tale start (do I really want to be proud of meeting him in a bar???) but we get the fairy tale ending. In almost 4 months I will be his wife and I can not wait. He is the such a wonderful man. He is good, kind, handsome, smart, loving and every other adjective I can think that is positive. He is that man to me.
Am I gushing? Are you sick yet?
Okay, I will stop now... I am going to go back to staring at my ring. ;-)

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