Thursday, June 10, 2010

Its my half birthday today

Hello All~ Welcome to my blog! This is a first for me! I have never had a journal let alone a blog. We will see how long this lasts! So today I am exactly 34-1/2 years old. When did I hit 30???? Geez! And in 6 months I will be half way through my 30's.... Kinda a scary thought for me! So the title of my blog is Daisy Duke named after my "little" baby Daisy! Seen here! Isn't she the cutest thing ever???? Okay, well that might not be the best picture of her. I just think it is hysterical! She is going to be 9 years old this year and I am lucky enough to have her since she was practically a puppy! Dogs are truly man's (or woman's) best friend! She has been the constant in my life and has seen me through some pretty sad times and rejoiced with me in happy times! I love her so much and thank her every day for being my puppy! There is so much to say in a first blog that I am afraid that I am going to end up boring my audience. Do I have an audience? I doubt it. Which makes me wonder why I am even doing this? Maybe I will have this as my chronicle for atelast the next 6 months until I hit 35! We shall see! So this first 6 months of 34 has been an AMAZING time. Two huge things happened..... 1. I got engaged! I will talk more about the love of my life in a later blog... it could be a long one. That man is amazing and I can not imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. 2. We got a new home! Here is my kitchen... Isn't it awesome??? My kitchen is the favorite but everything else looks amazing as well. Here are a few more pics of the living room and dining room. Well, I think that is enough for my first blog attempt. See what happens tomorrow... Love, A

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