Friday, September 24, 2010


I was not looking forward to today, because its Friday. One might ask, why I am not looking forward to a Friday? Well... I will tell ya. I was informed on Tuesday that a meeting had been scheduled for me (without even asking if I was available!) for 11:30am. Why is this such a bad thing? Because I COULD NOT WEAR JEANS TODAY! I really do look forward to wearing jeans on Fridays. I like feeling casual. So around 11:30 one of my managers asked if I was ready to go (we were going together) and we left the office. About 20 minutes into the drive our office called saying the client called and he needed to cancel. My only thought? Yeah! I can have lunch! So we turned around and headed back to M3. About 10 minutes out, Jeff asked if I would like to order lunch. I said no, I was going to eat my Lean Cuisine. He calls the office and asks what everyone is doing for lunch. He said we were 10 minutes away. They said they would wait for us to get back. We get back to the office. This is what we were greeted with: Yes, the office surprised me with a bridal shower!!!! I was shocked I tell ya! Shocked! My beautiful cake! Me and my cake... This is after Kevin tried to put my face in the cake. So rude! And its Red Velvet! Victory! Not one ribbon broken!

1 comment:

  1. Sooooooo sweet!!!! Your coworkers are so nice! And that cakes looks YUMMY!!!
