Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Holiday Time

I love this time of year! Holidays are always great when you have people to celebrate with and this year is no exception! Lots and lots of activities through the month of December....
One thing noticeably absent this year is my parents holiday party. For the first time in 8 years they have decided to forgo this years party... So JoAnna and I have decided that we can not forgo tradition and we are hosting a joint party at her house! We are doing something a little differently and doing a Caroling Party! My husband thinks I am nuts! But there is nothing that can get one into a more festive mood than walking from house to house singing Christmas Carols!!!
Hopefully next year mom and dad can resume their annual party but this year, its up to Jo and I. I think that we can handle the task... we hope....

Stay tune for videos and photos!

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