Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!!

As with years past we years past we headed to the Yarian's for their annhual 4th of July block party.  And this year was no exception....  Although this year it had to be in the 100's!  But we made the most of it with nice cool refreshing drinks and company. :-)

Jo and I racing one another in the bounce house. 

and yep.... I won. :-)

The 4th of July is also Corey's birthday!  Happy Birthday Corey!

Don't we look cute. I do need a longer arm. 

And Rich got iced! Hehehehehehehe

Me and my little (or not so little anymore) Emma.  Such my sweet girl!

And us being silly!!!! I hate it when she crosses her eyes... FREAKS ME OUT!

I might have had a Skinnygirl margarita.  (insert evil laugh here!)


And more fireworks.  They are pretty....

And sparkly!!!!!

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