Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Or should I say acquitted?  Yesterday afternoon a jury in Orlando, Florida acquitted Casey Anthony of killing her daughter Caylee.  It was one of those cases, similiar to the OJ Simpson case where you just know she is guilty.  But it could not be proven.

How does a mother not feel that something is off if her daughter is gone for 30 days?  The jury felt that it was circumstantial.  Do normal people google Chloroform and other death related searches?  Once again, circumstantial.

All in all, it makes me very sad for this little girl who never got to see her 5th birthday.  Or her 10th or her 21st.  And I think about what her little eyes must have been doing as she was looking at the woman (her mother) who killed her.

Casey Anthony will answer in time. 

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