Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4.5 lbs to Go!

Yep... I did it!  I finally was able to embark on a weight loss journey that I can see through to the end!

I started at 149 lbs back on May 16th.  And now 2-1/2 months later I am at 134.5 lbs!  Woo hoo!!!  All my skinny pants are fitting me nicely again! (Thank god!  I was afraid I would have to get a new wardrobe!) and I was even able to add new parts to the wardrobe!

I have to say... I am pretty darn proud of myself.  Unfortunately, I ruined the diet today with having Chinese food for lunch today and part (well a big part) of a Crunchie as dessert tonight.  All which means I have to be super good for the rest of the week...

I am really hoping by the end of this month I will be at 130 lbs.  My smallest is 129, so maybe that is even a possibility. ;-)

Can you tell I am happy??? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All pictures taken on August 3, 2011 @ 134.5lbs!!!!!

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