Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's Cookie Time!!!!

 It took 2 days, countless hours and plenty of backaches and sore feet, but the 2010 Cookie Bake Off is complete!  8 different cookie varieties, 1 bar and 24 dozen cookies in the end.  Thank you and I look forward to the event next year. Maybe.
Peanut Butter Bliss Cookies.... And they are Pure Bliss!

My World Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies... with the secret ingredient.  And no, I will never reveal that secret ingredient!

This is another version of the above cookie!

Snowballs!  With Candy Canes crushed in them!!!!

The newcomer to this years cookie regime.  And it looks messy, but they are delicious!

Ginger Cookies

The Pumpkin Cookies... making their second appearance of the year.  Hopefully no ants will consume them!

And of course... the standard sugar cookies!

Need to have the "Jewish" sugar cookies too!!!!  My dad will be so happy that I actually do remember that I am Jewish!

The White Chocolate Cranberry bars- the only non- cookie at this event!

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