Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our First Christmas!

Emily is all ready for Christmas to arrive!

The tables are all set for dinner to begin!

Pretty centerpieces.... Love the act we have no furniture in the family room.  Make it easy to have a big dinner party in there!

2 days of cooking gone in minutes!

Wonder what they are arguing about this time?

Malikai... model in the making???? 

Auntie and Mailikai after dinner... love this little guy!

Opening up his basketball hoop!  Its almost as big as he is!

What this is my only gift here?  Seriously?
The boys cleaning up... or are they?
I am totally belting out my favorite song!

Rock Band in the making.  Dave totally believes he is  rock star!

Look at him rocking it out!

My gorgeous sister-in-law singing "I love Rock and Roll!"

Not sure what Al is singing... probably a ballad?  He ain't going to be happy that I posted this picture....

All in all this turned out to be one of my most favorite Christmas's yet.  Rich and I got to spend our first married Christmas with all of our family.  We are two very lucky people! 

Merry Christmas from the Lansdale's!

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