Thursday, December 9, 2010

The last day

of me being 34.  How in the world did it become December?  I guess I asked that a couple of months ago with how in the world did it become October???  It felt like yesterday when we got engaged!

I am looking forward to my birthday lunch tomorrow at Nieman Marcus. Its my once a year splurge. Okay, that is a total lie... but it sounds good!  And then some shopping.  I always love doing some retail therapy especially on the day.. wait for it... wait for it... I turn 35!!!!!  Oh my god.  I am old!

The plans also include going to dinner with my hubby at a great restaurant in South Pas and then meeting up with some friends for Champagne and dessert at the cutest little Champagne and Dessert Bar in Pasadena.  That is going to be fun!  Have I told you that, that is what I want to do?  One day when having money doesn't matter I am going to open up my own dessert bar!!!!

Wonder what I am going to get from the hubby for my birthday????  I will know soon enough!

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