Friday, January 14, 2011

Off to A Rocky Start

So I thought I could do this... turned out, I suck at dieting.  Where is the mind set that I had 6 years ago?  I was perfect!  Lost so much weight that I was actually told to stop losing!  And that I was too skinny!  I never agreed with that, but I liked it!

But now 14 days into the new year and I am starting my diet, again... tomorrow.  All I really have to do it be really good for a month, maybe two at the most!  And then I would be happy about my weight.  Hopefully!  probably!

So tomorrow is it.  Tomorrow (which is Saturday, BTW) I start the diet.  Oatmeal for breakfast, Greek yogurt for a snack, chicken and rice for lunch, low carb for a snack and then chicken a veggies for dinner.  I can do this. Right?

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