Friday, August 6, 2010

Falling Fast

At 34 years old I should know better than to go out on a "school" night! And granted it was only dinner with a girlfriend but you add wine and dessert and it quickly turns into... "I should call in sick in the morning". And no, not because I am hung over, but because I am sooooo tired! I can not keep my eyes open!!! I wonder if I can be like George Castanza and make a bed underneath my desk? What a fun evening though.... talked about my upcoming bridal shower next weekend, the wedding (Oct. 16th for inquiring minds), the after party and the usual gossip about the people we know. Now when I say "gossip", I don't mean that vicious mean gossip but the "Hey did you know that so and so is no longer working at so and so?" That kind of stuff. Ever been to Fraiche? Highly highly recommend! Very good food. Oh my gosh, I am so tired! I started this entry at 1:45pm. Had to go into a meeting at 2pm and just stepped out. So now I need even more of a nap... I'm done.

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