Thursday, August 12, 2010

Only one more day

to go before the weekend! THANK FREAKIN GOD! I am so exhausted and overworked that I just need a little break.... And my bridal shower is on Saturday. Given by my wonderful soon-to-be mother in law! I can not wait! She is sooo cute about it too! So excited. The tables were set up yesterday (Mind you.. it was Wednesday and the shower is Saturday) and today she is doing all the cooking! Yes, she is the most amazing cook ever! And I am very lucky! Lots to do between now and Friday at 5pm... I just wish I didn't have to do it! Oh well. 3pm right now. SNACK TIME! Now I need to figure out what to make for dinner tonight. I have chicken and mushrooms. Hopefully I can figure out something amazing! Love, A

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! Have an amazing weekend!!! Post pictures of your shower please!!! :o)
