Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In complete & Utter

SHOCK! I have a reader! OMG! I think that I might go into shock... But no, instead I went and grabbed the peanut butter pretzels. These damn things are so addicting. I was trying to eat my daily allowance (11) which allows me 150 calories... but I am very steadily creeping to the 20 pretzel mark. MUST STOP NOW! (Okay, one more than they are going away!) So the wedding planning... going completely and totally easy! Something you probably have never come out of a soon-to-be bride's mouth! Flowers are decided upon and reserved, musicians are reserved, chairs are reserved, dress is getting altered (I swear they ordered that thing 2 sizes too big just to get more $$$$ out of me!), grooms tuxes on order, etc. etc. It does help that the wedding ceremony and following reception is only for 20 people. That helps. A little. But then there is the after party. Being held in our home for our close friends and family. That small intimate gathering of 30 people or so has turned into an 86 person guest list. AUGH!!!! SO that is what I am in the midst or working on now. Got the invites done (Thanks Kopy King in Simi Valley) and the food decided... now the decor, tent the backyard or not (November party... probably will be cold.. tent the backyard), etc. etc. But I got a fabulous dress for it. And that is all the really matters... right? Until next time... A

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!!!!! So happy for you and that its been a breeze! When is the actual wedding day??? You must be getting soooooooooooo excited!!!!! And more importantly, what does your dress look like????? :o)I love that your having two wedding receptions!!! :o)
