Sunday, August 21, 2011

Enchilada Suizas

I am extremely proud of myself for this one... Brand new recipe I tried out and it was a success!!!!  Love making dishes that Rich loves!

I was never much of a cook until he and I started living together.  So glad now I have made the effort!  These were delicious!  But don't ask me how many calories are just in 1!  Not healthy at all!!!!  But for those who are wondering... here is the recipe:


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2/3 cup chopped Spanish onion
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup chopped green chile peppers
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 dash ground cumin
  • 12 (8 inch) corn tortillas
  • canola oil for frying
  • 1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1 cup shredded mild Cheddar cheese
  • 2 cups shredded, cooked chicken breast meat
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup chopped green onion


  1. Prepare salsa verde: Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat. Saute the onion until soft. Stir in the flour. Add the broth, then add the chiles, garlic, salt, and cumin. Simmer about 15 minutes to blend flavors, then set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Microwave the tortillas for about 30 seconds to soften them up.  Combine the cheeses and keep 1/2 cup aside for topping. Dip each tortilla in salsa verde (both sides.) Place 2 tablespoons chicken and about 2 tablespoons cheese down the center of each; roll and place seam side down in a shallow dish.
  3. After all the rolled tortillas are in the dish, spoon additional salsa verde over them and then cover evenly with heavy cream. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup cheese mixture, and with the green onions.
  4. Bake uncovered in preheated oven for 20 minutes. 
 Add some Mexican Rice and some sour cream and you have a delicious meal!

When Did I Learn to Cook?

I have been half amazed with myself as of late.  I have really learned how to cook!  And by golly, it is actually tasty!

Tonight I am adding to the menu Enchilada Suizas.  If all turns out okay, I will post picture and recipe. With a little Mexican Rice on the side.

Last week I made Sloppy Joe's.   Those were terrific!  I think that I might start adding recipes to this website/ blog.  Hmmm Maybe I can call it the Recipe of the Month!  Depending on how the Suizas turn out it will be between the Suizas and the Sloppy Joe's... We shall see.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?  I think now I will organize my recipe book while catching up on this weeks GH.  Do I have an exciting life or what?  Whoever said "or what" can bite me! ;-)

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4.5 lbs to Go!

Yep... I did it!  I finally was able to embark on a weight loss journey that I can see through to the end!

I started at 149 lbs back on May 16th.  And now 2-1/2 months later I am at 134.5 lbs!  Woo hoo!!!  All my skinny pants are fitting me nicely again! (Thank god!  I was afraid I would have to get a new wardrobe!) and I was even able to add new parts to the wardrobe!

I have to say... I am pretty darn proud of myself.  Unfortunately, I ruined the diet today with having Chinese food for lunch today and part (well a big part) of a Crunchie as dessert tonight.  All which means I have to be super good for the rest of the week...

I am really hoping by the end of this month I will be at 130 lbs.  My smallest is 129, so maybe that is even a possibility. ;-)

Can you tell I am happy??? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All pictures taken on August 3, 2011 @ 134.5lbs!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Or should I say acquitted?  Yesterday afternoon a jury in Orlando, Florida acquitted Casey Anthony of killing her daughter Caylee.  It was one of those cases, similiar to the OJ Simpson case where you just know she is guilty.  But it could not be proven.

How does a mother not feel that something is off if her daughter is gone for 30 days?  The jury felt that it was circumstantial.  Do normal people google Chloroform and other death related searches?  Once again, circumstantial.

All in all, it makes me very sad for this little girl who never got to see her 5th birthday.  Or her 10th or her 21st.  And I think about what her little eyes must have been doing as she was looking at the woman (her mother) who killed her.

Casey Anthony will answer in time. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!!

As with years past we years past we headed to the Yarian's for their annhual 4th of July block party.  And this year was no exception....  Although this year it had to be in the 100's!  But we made the most of it with nice cool refreshing drinks and company. :-)

Jo and I racing one another in the bounce house. 

and yep.... I won. :-)

The 4th of July is also Corey's birthday!  Happy Birthday Corey!

Don't we look cute. I do need a longer arm. 

And Rich got iced! Hehehehehehehe

Me and my little (or not so little anymore) Emma.  Such my sweet girl!

And us being silly!!!! I hate it when she crosses her eyes... FREAKS ME OUT!

I might have had a Skinnygirl margarita.  (insert evil laugh here!)


And more fireworks.  They are pretty....

And sparkly!!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 3rd of July!

Ya all knew I can never keep up a blog!  So here is another start...

Rich and I decided that we would have our own little picnic last night to honor 4th of July before we went and celebrated with friends today. 

My hubby... the lean, mean grilling machine!

Our little backyard BBQ.... One of these days we will get a proper set of table and chairs...

Daisy being pissed that she isn't part of the festivities!

Yumm..... Carne Asada.

Give me food, dag nab it!

Me and my Skinnygirl.  Friends forver!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is a special day in our lives as it is my Grandma Fern's 90th birthday.

Although the last couple of years have not been the easiest on her, we are grateful that she was able to see her 90th birthday and hopefully a few more after that!

Happy Birthday Grandma!  I love you!
Look how happy Grandma looks!  It must be cause the handsome guy next to her!
The son she loves more than anything in the world.  And he is not only an awesome son, but an amazing father!
Daughter-in-law and Mother-in-law.....might not always be the easiest of relationships, but  my mom has done the most outstanding job in helping Grandma... Mom, you rock!
Her favorite (and only!) Grandson!  He does her proud!
Me and Grandma.....  You know, she was wearing heals until only a few months before she turned 90....  Its in my blood, obviously!

Looking forward to spending her 91st.....

Love you Grandma Fern!

Friday, February 18, 2011


To Mr. & Mrs. Dave Abrams! 

I was lucky enough to attend the wedding of my very good friend Becky a couple of weeks ago.  And since I am slow on the blogging... I am just now getting to wishing them all the happiness in the world!

Becky and Dave pledging their love for one another
The newest Mr. & Mrs!!!!!!
Ahhh.... Love!
From left to right... me, Becky, Harmony & Lisa.  The ironic thing?  Lisa and I have known each other since the 4th grade!  And we hadn't seen each other in 17 years.  She still looks the exact same! :-) Love being able to re-connect with old friends!
I want to wish Becky and Dave a lifetime of happiness and love!  Love you both!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I just wanted to wish all my lovely friends out there a very Happy Valentine's Day.

This is a very special Valentine's Day for me as it is my first as Mrs. Rich Lansdale.

Our first moment as husband and wife
I love you more than anything in this world.  And I am so happy to be your wife.


Friday, February 11, 2011


Yesterday morning a friend of mine's dad died.  He had cancer.  I hate cancer.  It took away a grandfather that I never got to meet.  My grandmother is a survivor of breast cancer but it took one of her breasts away.  I have a good friend who is also a breast cancer survivor but because of that horrible disease she can no longer have children.

It is a sucky disease.  One day they will find a cure.  I just hope that one day is sooner than later before it takes any more good people from this life.

Kelly, I hope your dad is resting in peace now.  He is in a better place and looking down on you with all the love in the world.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!  I hope you have as wonderful day as you are!!!!  Enjoy your dinner with Daddy and I am looking forward to dinner with the whole family on Sunday!

I love you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here we go again...

I am back on the wagon!  It has been 2 days, but I am back on the diet!  I think I can! I think I can!

For those of you who are interested in being on a healthy diet and lose weight at the same time, let me share with you  my menu... its delicious (insert sarcastic comment here)

Bowl of Oatmeal (one packet)
Coffee (can't live without the stuff!)

Greek Yogurt with a handful of granola.

4oz of chicken
1 Cup of Rice
You can add a salad too with 2 grams of fat or less dressing...

Low Carb Bar (less than 2 or 3 carbs.)

4 Oz of Protein (preferably chicken or fish.  Although I did have pork last night)
All the veggies you can eat!
Salad with 2 grams or less of dressing

None... ha ha just kidding. On this diet you can have a Jello Cup, although I do try to avoid it.  For instance last night I had a piece of gum.

How can I not lose weight on this diet???? Seriously!

Did I mention I have to go to Chicago on business next week?  That is going to be a challenge!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Off to A Rocky Start

So I thought I could do this... turned out, I suck at dieting.  Where is the mind set that I had 6 years ago?  I was perfect!  Lost so much weight that I was actually told to stop losing!  And that I was too skinny!  I never agreed with that, but I liked it!

But now 14 days into the new year and I am starting my diet, again... tomorrow.  All I really have to do it be really good for a month, maybe two at the most!  And then I would be happy about my weight.  Hopefully!  probably!

So tomorrow is it.  Tomorrow (which is Saturday, BTW) I start the diet.  Oatmeal for breakfast, Greek yogurt for a snack, chicken and rice for lunch, low carb for a snack and then chicken a veggies for dinner.  I can do this. Right?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's A Brand New Year

And what does a brand new year usually mean????? A brand new diet.  I hate this time of year.  I hate going to the gym because everyone and their brother has decided that it is time to head back to the gym as well.  Even those who last visited last January.  Don't get me wrong... I give you kudos for heading back, I would be more impressed if you stayed throughout the year and did not hog up the weights pretending you know what you are doing. 

But my problem is I struggle with my weight.  There.  I said it.  I normally keep that kind of stuff to myself.  If one were to look at me, they probably do not think that I have a weight issue. 99% of the clothes in my closet are a size 4.  The other 1% make up the one pair of Size 2 slacks from Anthropologie (That I love and yes, can still fit into...) and the one pair of size 6 slacks, that I have to admit, are a lot more comfortable than I would like them to be.

Now I know what you are all thinking.... I should be sooo happy that I am a size 4.  Well the problem is, I look at myself and think, how in the world do I fit into a size 4?  To me, I always look at myself and think that I need to lose weight.  Unfortunately, this started very early on in my adult life.  I had a boyfriend who eventually became a husband always always made me feel bad about my appearance.  Always telling me I should not eat this and should not eat that.  It sucked and hurt me so badly, that years and years later I still struggle with it.  Eventually about 10 years into our relationshp I hit my largest size... 10.  I was mortified.  He started working out with a trainer and I started too as well.  I lost almost 30 pounds and at my skinniest I wore a size 2 consistantly.  I loved the way I looked back then.  I have gained about 10 of those pounds back over the last 6 years since I have been away from him and although those 10 pounds only attributed to one pant size, I am still haunted by them.  I had always wished he would think I was beautiful no matter what.  I knew that was not true.  Maybe the day I left him he thought that, but I seriously doubt it. If he always thought I was beautiful, would we still be together?  Probably not.  We had other issues.  But I didn't realize how fat he thought I was until I lost weight.

And even now, I am with a man who is extremely physically fit.  He even likes going to the gym.  He actually thinks it is fun!  I wish I shared his enthusiasm.  But I go, because I have to, not cause I want to.  And it is time we get to spend together, since I do his workout. And I still think to myself, does Rich think I am too fat?  He would never say it (and hopefully never think it!) but I struggle with it.  I look in the mirror and go, yuck...  he doesn't want to have a fat wife.

So tomorrow starts back on the strict diet.  6 days of eating clean, 1 day of cheating.  the menu is pretty basic... Oatmeal for breakfast. Protein Bar (or yogurt) for a snack, chicken and a cup of rice for lunch, a low carb item for a snack and then 4 more oz of protein with veggies and a salad for dinner.  Sounds delicious right?  The thing is, I know I can lose 10-15 pounds just by eating like this for a month.  So I just need to suck it up and do it.....

So check back with me in 30 days from now... hopefully I will be a few pounds lighter... I just wonder when will I ever feel I don't have to diet???  Will that ever happen?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Daisy Play Day!!!

Daisy loves going to the dog park, so Rich and I took her yesterday.  Thought we would share a few of her favorite moments....

Nope... I didn't poop.  But just in case I did, I am going to cover up the evidence!
These are my new friends.  I call them Big White and Little White.

Yeah, we are all good friends.

No, Daddy, I don't want to go home! So I am just going to ignore you and walk away!

Alright I will go home now.

Our last night of 2010

Before dinner.  Look Rich is almost as tall as the tree!  And I am almost as tall as him in my 4" heels!

Daisy looks so scary with her glowing eyes!  But she loves her daddy!

Our perfect family.

Our first New Year's as Husband and Wife.  How in the world will 2011 be as good as 2010?

Daisy and Mommy.....  My constant companion since she came into my life 9 years ago.  I love this little doggy more than words can say!

Daisy asking me for a kiss!  My first new year's kiss!
We decided to have dinner at the place the started it all.... our marriage that is.... Dinner at Roy's!

Before- Chandon Rose... My Favorite!

And After... My favorite is gone.... :-(
We had such a wonderful New Year's.  The Laker's won... and I got a kiss from my favorite man at midnight.  What more can a girl ask for?????

I still ask... how in the world can 2011 top 2010????  I guess we will see.